Services include:

Activities of Daily Living Area

Simulates home tasks to practice balance, endurance, sequencing, problem solving, and other daily living tasks


Uses electromagnetic waves to increase circulation in the body’s tissues— which helps with soft tissue injuries, slow healing wounds, arthritis, scar tissue, and contractures

Electrical Stimulation

Stimulates nerves in the muscles to restore function, increase muscle strength, reduce pain, prevent falls, and help with joint replacement and orthopedic recovery

LiteGait Therapy

A gait training device that allows patients to work on walking while simultaneously controlling posture, weight bearing, and balance

Lymphedema Management

Helps reduce swelling, improve day-to-day function, and provides education on self-care

NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainer

Strengthens upper and lower body—and increases range of motion and endurance 

Parallel Bars

Arm support to improve walking for short distances— and help with sit-to-stand skills, balance, weight shifting, and correct gait patterns

Speech Room

An ideal setting for working one-on-one with cognition and swallowing issues

Stair Trainer

Allows patients to practice using steps before returning home 

Virtual Reality Therapy

Creates a real-time, interactive 3D experience (including visual and auditory feedback) to help improve muscle strength, balance, endurance, flexibility, cognitive issues, walking, and sitting upright

Schedule Your Personalized Tour Today

For the compassion, comfort, and outcomes you’re looking for, please call us today or take a moment to complete this brief form—and let us know if you prefer to visit us in person or virtually. We look forward to seeing you.


HIPAA Policy – Harmony Dubuque

Phone: (563) 556-1161 901 W 3rd St, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Fax: (563) 583-1243